Keeps crashing
By Ericbe
While using the app, my iPad gets hot and the app crashes. When I look at the crash log, it’s been running too much CPU for more than the allowed time in iOS. I have no idea what it’s doing in the background that is so CPU intensive, but I have to restart the app and then I’ve lost my place and a few minutes later it crashes again for overuse of the CPU. Here is the specific message in the crash report:
CPU: 90 seconds cpu time over 90 seconds (99% cpu average), exceeding limit of 50% cpu over 180 seconds
CPU limit: 90s
Functional, but…..
By KT1388
I’m unable to submit feedback directly from the app as “something went wrong”
1. Bookmarks are arranged in order that you set them, not something logical like in order of page number, or customizable.
2. I’d like to be able to delete older books from my library but that’s not an option.
3. In the FAR/AIM and FAR-FC books it would be nice to have additional menu/table of contents available to get to sub parts of Chapters instead of only being able to go to the beginning of Part 91 - a huge chapter.
4. I’m unable to delete a bookmark, which would be really handy to reorder what I’ve got right now….
Crashes, Loses My Place UPDATE
By PedsDrK
UPDATE: Tech support explained that I can’t be logged-in to this app on more than one device simultaneously. Since logging-out of my Android app, the iPad app has been working well. I would prefer to be able to go back-and-forth between apps, but this is ok. ORIGINAL REVIEW: It was working very well until about December 26th, then started crashing after several minutes of being open. Upon re-opening, it takes me somewhere I’m not working in the material, so I have to manually search for where I was working. Every time it crashes, it takes me back to the same incorrect place where I’m not working. Just sell us a pdf or e-book, because those work.
By JJBanwart
The app crashes about every 5 minutes and doesn’t put me back where I was.
Keeps crashing
By RJ4033
I have a practical coming up and if I don’t use the app for 30 seconds it crashes on iPad
Download button doesn’t work.
By Amankmc
Nothing happens when i press the download button
A waste of money
By ahmadster
I feel awful I wasted my money on this. I bought the FARAIM and used this app to access. Horrid search. Try searching for 1-1-17, you can’t. Is it accessible from the outline? No. Do the thumbnails work? No. Can I copy a word to search? No. Can I scribble with Apple Pencil? No.
Why did I pay for this?
When a company insists no refunds at purchase, that’s a big red flag. They already know it’s a dud.
Just download the free pdf from the FAA.
Unable to login
My credentials are verified (work on website) but the app won’t take them. Makes my purchase useless. Let me download a PDF instead?
Inconvenient for taking notes
By Gary啦啦啦
In the drawing mode, I cannot flip to the next page and I have to exit the drawing mode to flip and then turn it on again. It would be better if I could flip with two fingers.
Crashes a lot
By Kosmomoon
Can’t study often because it crashes a ton