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  • None of the questions are up to date

    By Runwomen46
    Studied for the foi using this app and was surprised to see 3 questions I studied from this Prepware on the written. Do not use if you want to know what’s on the actual exam.
  • Not the same as the test

    By eastrepublichelicopters
    10 years ago when I took the commercial test, the questions and answers were identical to the test but recently when I took the cfi test after studying very hard for it on this app I took the test after scoring 100 at least five times on the app but when I took the test, the questions and answers were completely different for about 50% of the test in other words this app is pretty good, but I recommend for you to study the books as well.
  • Can’t see question number on iphone

    By nicknametakensoidk
    I’ve used various asa test apps to study for all of my writtens. For whatever reason, the CFI study app on my iphone won’t show what question number I’m on which is a little frustrating. It would also be nice to do a mock test that pulls from all the subject areas but still allows you to see the answer without having to grade the test.
  • FOI

    By Rhodes_D
    FOI questions are missing.
  • Great review app

    By PlanesTrainsandTaylor
    Took my FIA Exam today, and passed, and owe a lot of credit to this app. It’s simple, but thorough, explains concepts well. The database is a little out of date, as there were some new questions I hadn’t seen the concept before.
  • Study mode is pointless

    By Apfelmaennchen
    Study mode should include a default option to only present the correct answer to a question, rather than multiple choices which are in obvious conflict with the basic learning principle of primacy and makes studying ineffective. It’s a fundamental and unnecessary shortcoming of this software.
  • I recommend other Apps/Websited

    By Capt WAIL
    This is the worst tool you can use to prepare for the test. The only thing food about it is you don’t need internet while using it.
  • This is a tool not an easy button

    By Ordnancemen33
    I see a lot of bad reviews and the reality is that this is a supplement. You are studying to be a pilot so don’t be lazy and open your actual books! This is not meant to be stand alone study material. It is intended to give you an idea of what the test will look like and help you narrow down what areas you need to study more. I bought several of these apps back in 2016 and passed all my tests in the high 90s (private, instrument and commercial). I even recently used them to help me pass my tests for CFI and they did a great job of showing me areas that needed more attention after being out of school for several years.
  • Used ASA Prepware for FOI Exam

    By USpilotPR
    I recently took my CFI Fundamentals of Instruction exam after studying with the ASA Prepware App. The database ASA are using in 100% out of date. Not a single question that was presented in the CATS test was featured in the ASA app. I have never been so unprepared going into a written test as I have after using tihs software. The ASA database is in urgnet need of being updated to reflect the current FAA question bank.
  • Solid test prep

    By aloandpat
    This was my main source of test prep. I was very happy to see the questions on the actual FOI test were very similar to those practiced. While there were some that were different, or worded differently, the ideas were the same. Be sure to select FOI for the main menu as the FIA subject doesn’t have questions under FOI, that is something that should be changed, but it is there. Good luck!!
