

By GitHub

  • Category: Developer Tools
  • Release Date: 2020-03-17
  • Current Version: 1.193.0
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 163.37 MB
  • Developer: GitHub
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 16.0 or later.
Score: 4.81648
From 22,973 Ratings


There’s a lot you can do on GitHub that doesn’t require a complex development environment – like sharing feedback on a design discussion, or reviewing a few lines of code. GitHub for iOS lets you move work forward wherever you are. Stay in touch with your team, triage issues, and even merge, right from the app. We’re making these tasks easy for you to perform, no matter where you work, with a beautifully native experience. You can use GitHub for iOS to: • Browse your latest notifications • Read, react, and reply to Issues and Pull Requests • Review and merge Pull Requests • Organize Issues with labels, assignees, projects, and more • Browse your files and code • Discover new and trending repositories ——— Terms of Service: Privacy Policy:



  • A few more features wouldn’t hurt

    By cactushackedus
    For being the world’s largest repo host, this app is a bit underwhelming. To be clear, it has many incredible features (code review workflow is wonderful!), but why are other PR features so limited? - Can’t mark or unmark a PR as draft - Can’t assign or unassign reviewers These are literally one-button operations, but they’re impossible in the mobile app. I cannot comprehend.
  • 46464

    By fjfhbhgcfgh
  • 星標排序

    By edison2023
  • owner

    By dik hds
    you are being used for hacking . i think you done enough damage for 13 years stay off my devices . i am reporting u also along with Daemon!
  • Awesome

    By Vrbugguiybubyt
  • Joseph

    By Fatherjoes
  • Like SugarPixel

    By mstry9
    Similar but without the vibration pad SugarPixel has. A little more setup involved but well documented
  • Nice idea, but…

    By λανθάνος
    I wanted to use this to make minor changes to source code but every time I open copilot, the app freezes and I have to force close it. This makes the app pretty useless for me.
  • Inconveniences may outweigh the benefits.

    By 3v3ryS1ngl3n4m31sT4k3n
    I want to love the app, but I can’t. All too often I regret even having it installed. Having it for a backup second factor authentication is the only real advantage I see in having this app installed. If there were a way to not have the app automatically hijack every link to anything on GitHub that would be a huge step I. The right direction. When I try to open a link from an email (yes I know you who never do this, and maybe Microsoft/GitHub are secretly trying to break this habit) it opens in the app and I am see a bank screen that says “something went wrong.” Indeed - terribly wrong, I have my email client set to open ALL links with Firefox! There should be a setting to hijack links or not, I would prefer that the only time a link opens with the GitHub app is when I sm actually using the app. When I am using my browser and click on a search result go a GitHub repo, I get pulled out of my browser and the link opens in this app with its terrible painful navigation. If you want to quickly check the results of your last workflow runs, this app is the slowest and most painful way to do that. Actions are not listed by the most recent workflow runs, you get a list of the workflow files, and it’s up to you to know which of those were run most recently… and no hint of the status (did it default, is the workflow still running, until after you look at each individual workflow file. I could go on, but if these problems were fixed everything else would be minor inconveniences that I would probably overlook.
  • Good app but need improvement

    By FredyChen
    I hope you can add the function to change the font size, it’s a little small for me to read
