By Joyjo1122334
I’m using in conjunction with Barkley. So far I like it i just wish when abbreviations are used, they are spelled out as well.
Great learning tool
By mosbynice
I love being able to answer questions and learn from the rationales on “the go.”
Unable to buy premium
By CS2155
I’m unable to buy the premium access. When I try to purchase the premium access the top right corner reads “unable to connect to App Store”. Any information on how to get around this?
By adamCCRN
Used this app and took the Barkley at home review. Expensive but I didn’t want to risk having to wait another few months to try again. I passed first attempt yesterday so I guess it was a good move.
Easy to use
By Mpca7
Great content. Easy to use. The color coding helps identify weaknesses.
Good app, except Acronyms
By TXCardsfan
As in all APA things and healthcare, acronyms are fine, but, they need to be spelled out when first used, especially in questions.
Appreciate the explanations with the questions.
However, if one doesn’t know the acronym and has to look it up, you are defeating the purpose of the review. The exam will spell out acronyms.
Example: MACRA. Never heard of it and had to look it up.
AG-ACNP Student
By TSMnp2021
Love the app
By BCM0911
The rationales are amazing, and a nice compliment to my other materials. Only downside is that it freezes on me quite frequently.
I haven’t taken the test yet
By EliZabest..
So tomorrow when I fail I might have different feelings about this app but so far I am liking it a lot. Very easy to access and good rationales given. Huge test question bank. All my friends who have taken their boards (I am a late taker due to personal circumstances) told me Dawn Carpenters resources were the most helpful.
Adult Geriatric Acute Care
By melissaanne02
These questions are geared more toward the AG-ACNP. Rationales are better than the other sister app but still could be a bit more in depth.