Introducing Answer Book – your personal oracle! Seamlessly simple: 1. Pose your query. 2. Give your device a gentle shake or tap the button. 3. Discover your response. --- The Answer Book houses the timeless wisdom of the classic 20 answer choices, providing guidance in moments of uncertainty: Approving: •It is certain •It is decidedly so •Without a doubt •Yes — definitely •You may rely on it •As I see it, yes •Most likely •Outlook good •Signs point to yes •Yes Neutral: •Reply hazy, try again •Ask again later •Better not tell you now •Cannot predict now •Concentrate and ask again Denial: •Don't count on it •My reply is no •My sources say no •Outlook not so good •Very doubtful But remember, this is all in good fun! The developers bear no responsibility for the outcomes of your decisions. As a precaution, consult your physician before embarking on any major life changes. P.S. Use the magic ball sparingly to preserve its mystical powers.