The app supports direct speech recognition or uploading pre-recorded audio to convert into text with one click. Users can quickly turn voice recordings of meetings, verbal notes etc. into written text. The app adopts the leading open-source speech recognition model Whisper to enable offline speech-to-text. The built-in model works without an internet connection. Transcription remains very smooth even without connectivity. The speech recognition has excellent accuracy comparable to online APIs. More languages are continually added to expand the coverage. As an open-source model, it also keeps being optimized and improved. This is a very practical voice assistant tool, providing reliable offline high-accuracy speech-to-text with wide applicability. If you need an app for speech-to-text, this is definitely a top choice, standing out with its offline capability and impressive recognition. 该应用支持直接语音识别或上传预先录制的音频,一键转换为文本。用户可以快速将会议录音、口头笔记等语音内容转换为书面文本。 该应用采用了领先的开源语音识别模型Whisper,以实现离线语音转文字。内置模型,无需互联网连接。即使在没有互联网连接的情况下,转录仍然非常流畅。 语音识别具有出色的准确性,可与在线API相媲美。不断增加更多的语言以扩大覆盖范围。作为一个开源模型,它也在不断进行优化和改进。 这是一个非常实用的语音助手工具,提供可靠的离线高准确度语音转文字,适用范围广泛。如果您需要一个用于语音转文字的应用程序,这绝对是一个顶级选择,因其离线功能和出色的识别效果而脱颖而出。