Stutter Stars: Stuttering Help

Stutter Stars: Stuttering Help

By SAY IT Labs

  • Category: Health & Fitness
  • Release Date: 2022-05-18
  • Current Version: 1.08.03
  • Adult Rating: 4+
  • File Size: 953.99 MB
  • Developer: SAY IT Labs
  • Compatibility: Requires iOS 14.0 or later.
Score: 3.92308
From 13 Ratings


Stutter Stars (previously: Fluency Friends) uses AI and speech recognition technology to provide real-time feedback on a person’s speech patterns, allowing them to identify areas for improvement and work on strategies to improve their fluency. The game’s use of speech pathology science can help both adults and children learn effective techniques for managing their stutter and speaking with greater ease. TRY FOR FREE Our app is free to download. Experience 4 minigames in the demo. THE GAME This unique speech therapy app is a full-length game that will help support speech communication, fluency, naturalness, and mindfulness. Stay Motivated - Helper characters in the game listen to your speech, provide immediate feedback, and use scaffolding to teach new concepts. Scaffolding is used by speech and language pathologists to help people learn incrementally. This increases motivation and helps build consistency. Use Your Own Voice - Our speech recognition engine has been trained to respond to many types of responses, speaking styles, and input. Fluent speech, communication style, and naturalness of speech are really what the helpers are listening for. See Your Results - When you speak during the gameplay, your speech production is displayed in easy-to-read graphs. We visualize your gameplay and show how many words were successfully produced and ones that are challenging. Automatic Reporting - For teachers, parents, SLPs, or you, we automatically generate reports which you can see in the game or send to yourself in a beautiful pdf or doc file. This gives a snapshot of your performance and shows all the words you spoke correctly or which ones needed some extra help. Story Mode & Practice Mode - Story Mode takes you on a journey through the world, while Practice Mode allows you to practice any technique on command. Your voice, your choice. The Science - In each part of the game, press the pause button and you will see the ‘Science’ button. A small video will appear to explain the reason behind your practice. Not to mention all the tips and facts that are always on display. TECHNIQUES - Turning your vocal cords on and off - Easy Onset - Light Contact - Speaking slowly or working on your rate of speech - Changing your pitch - Changing your loudness or amplitude - Chunking, parsing, or learning to pause - Breathing exercises to practice mindfulness - Sustained phonation exercises to see how you can promote breath support - Practice initiating all speech sounds - Practice speaking under pressure SAY IT LABS We are speech recognition engineers who have closely consulted speech therapists, neurologists, linguists, and people who stutter. We have spoken at the European Clinical Specialization in Fluency Disorders and presented at the Oxford Dysfluency Conference. Our consultations have included professors from Northwestern University and the University of Texas, executives from the American Board of Fluency and Fluency Disorders, and the President of the International Fluency Association and Head of the European Stuttering Specialization. What are you waiting for? Play Stutter Stars today! DISCLAIMER Stutter Stars is not a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment of fluency and fluency disorders. We strongly encourage users to seek advice from a speech and language pathologist in addition to using this app. SAY IT Labs does not guarantee 100% fluency. Stutter Stars is not a cure for stuttering. SAY IT Labs expressly does not claim responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this game. Never disregard professional health advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this site. TERMS OF USE PRIVACY POLICY



  • Question

    By JJ_safari
    Does this app help adults too?
  • SLPs should be aware

    By witch in the ditch
    The app does not recognize accurate production of the target sounds during the demo. This will be extremely frustrating and anxiety producing for children that stutter. It could not recognize therapist productions of even the simplest words like uh. Additionally the demo practices prolongations, a type of dysfluency.
  • the crab is impossible to get past

    By tobsterino
    not sure if anyone else had an issue with the crab but i did
  • Horrible for my child please read

    By konekokittenwastwken!!!!
    This game has caused my child to become angry and sad because of the cow saying misleading things to her. DO NOT DOWNLOAD
  • Great App!

    By FerretyFerret
    As a SLP, I’m always looking for additional tools to enhance my practice and further help my clients with their speech goals. I recently discovered this app and it’s now my go-to companion in therapy sessions!
  • This really helps with stuttering

    By TheLostTruth
    Wow this app is amazing! I was a bit skeptical about the speech therapy techniques at first, but my mind was blown after just trying the first island. It’s really surprising how much progress I manage to get in a day. I was charmed by the game part that I forgot I was practicing. The subscription is worth it, I highly recommend this to anyone who have difficulties with stuttering
  • A life changing game

    By Nod-of-Approval
    As a person who stutters this game is life changing. I’ve gone through multiple speech therapist and have never found something as effective as playing this game. The techniques are immediately applicable to real world situations and get to see tangible results from your practice in game. While targeted towards children this app is truly for anyone who stutters. I can’t recommend it enough.
  • Best speech game ever!

    By TikiIsland
    Oh my gosh, as a busy mom, I hardly have time to breathe let alone write reviews. But I had to take a minute to share how much my daughter and I love Fluency Friends! My daughter has made amazing progress so far and I can tell she’s feeling better about speaking. She used to be really nervous with her stuttering and would always be self conscious about her stutter. This game app has turned what would be practice/homework into something that's fun and engaging. My daughter typically gets 15 minutes of practice in a therapy session but with this app, she sometimes plays for a whole hour. I think the game portion was done with a lot of heart. I can see her face light up with the characters and she loves the story so far. The app also have these reports that have been such a game changer for us. It's helpful to have an easy look at how she's been progressing and share them with our speech therapist. Honestly, I'm blown away by how much this app has helped us in such a short amount of time. I’m so thankful that I found out about this app on Instagram. If you're a busy parent like me, I highly recommend giving it a try!
