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  • File Size: 0 bytes
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  • Compatibility: Requires iOS or later.




  • App worth of demolition.

    By HelenaRomaniovaDarnova
    If you can't offer at least 90% functional app as desktop don't even bother... This is emberasing.
  • yikes, guys!

    By Justicebean
    I had this software a couple years ago and the customer service was way better. Now you have to wait a couple days to hear from anyone and it’s just a rather asinine process. I also requested cancellation before my billing period and was still billed for next month. Wouldn’t reimburse me. Not using this software ever again. Mydoma Studio also has more features, just fyi!
  • Login fail

    By pixel.punk
    The app now forces you to use a “Magic Link” login via an email. This creates a huge headache for me and my team. Otherwise a very useful tool for interior designers but as long as they don’t fix this, we have to use other apps.
  • When it works it’s great!

    By AAWeatherill
    Unfortunately they’ve started using “MagicLink” which is anything but. It’s an enormous pain. Constantly logging me out (I could understand once a day MAYBE, but it logs me out after only a few minutes). So then I have to type in my email, go to my email to retrieve the link, then back to the app which final gets me in. It’s ridiculous.
  • Useless app for a powerful platform

    By OnFire2000
    The is the most useless app I have, and now it’s even worse because when I try to login to Ivy online from my phone, I’m redirected to this junk. I can’t view invoices, show payments, or really use the app in any functional way other than to view client details and products. As others have stated, when I’m not at my computer (which is often!) I can’t answer any client’s questions about their accounts. Honestly, just get rid of the app and let me log into the platform from my mobile device.
  • Needs fine tuning

    By designed to flourish
    I love my Ivy software and it works great on the desktop but mobile app is almost useless for me. First, sometimes saved products do not show up o any revenue for certain projects. Some do. Some don’t. Secondly I cannot access any proposals or invoices on the app. Not room boards . During deliveries or installs it would be so handy for my staff to be able to check room boards to confirm. And not being able to access proposals or invoices means that if a client asks me a question about a proposal while I’m on the go I cannot answer it without logging onto the desktop version on my phones browser
  • Needs more

    By Matteo0214
    Works great, but it just needs to have invoices accessible, and to be able to edit them, and send them to the client immediately on the go.
  • iPad?

    By farrellshelley
    Do you have app for IPad?
  • No invoice or proposal viewing?

    By lolienhard
    Missing crucial parts to the software in the app version.
  • Great Content!

    By jillianscott80
    Love the podcast but the echo in the recording is a little distracting.
