Track all crypto assets including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin, EOS and all other crypto assets across all crypto exchanges such as Binance, Bithumb, Huobi Coinbase, Coin Spot and all other exchanges in your local currency. Create your portfolio and monitor how it grows. Receive price alerts to decide when to jump into a market and buy or sell your assets. TRACK EVERY COIN Track and follow the prices of all available crypto assets, add them to your watchlist, check historical market data and investigate its online presence. COMPARE THE PRICE ACROSS ALL EXCHANGES Monitor the price of a crypto asset across all available exchanges at the same time to decide where to buy or sell. BUILD YOUR PORTFOLIO Create unlimited number of portfolios and track how they perform. RECEIVE PRICE ALERTS Set price alerts for any crypto asset and get notified when it is the right time to jump into the market.