A very rod of game,game play method is simple,in this game scene in the,volcano of outbreak eruption out large of magma while with large of gold,players role played appeared in this dangerous of situation Xia,station in a floating stone Shang,but floating stone in kept of floating of,players need has is good of keep balance capacity ,must to keep balance,or floating stone may will turned off,to keep balance players must to go to floating stone of opposite to,relies on itself of weight put floating stone adjustment stable,While volcano in the also has large of lava spray out,value of happy of is also with large of gold then players can collection these gold.is stimulus! all are very thrilling,game for phone and flat computer.now began's.you also can share this game to you of friends,let everyone see you has more strong.how play: into game Hou click screen can control role for mobile.until get highest of records and up of gold. The game features: Virtual and real scenes! Big disaster! Casual puzzle! Stylish sound! Fluid motion! It is free! You can share it with your friends.